Using Digital Locks - Housing Arrival
These steps are for students who are eligible to Self-Check-In fall 2024 for Eastview Terrace and Nittany Apartments and Suites. The steps below are necessary for the initial check-in process only.
Schedule Move-In
All students must Schedule Move-In in eLiving, which is available only after room assignments are posted. The availability of dates/times is dependent upon the building.
To Schedule Move-In:
- Login to eLiving > My Info > Schedule Move-In
- Select a date/time that works for your schedule. No confirmation will be sent. You can modify your date/time as necessary
- It is recommended that you and your roommate do not move in at the same time to allow for space to unpack
You must have a Schedule Move-In time to utilize the self-check-in process.
Arrive to campus at your Schedule Move-In time. Follow the Move-In Locations instructions for navigating to campus and parking information. This is where you will unload your vehicle and move your items into your residence hall.
You will need to Check-In through eLiving to activate your residence hall building access, room door access, and download your Campus Meal Plan dining dollars. Using the Check-In will eliminate the need for you to visit the Commons Desk upon arrival to campus.
To Check In:
- Login to eLiving > My Info > Check-In
- Review the information
- Click the green "Check-In" button
- The screen will update with the message "You've successfully checked into your assigned room"
- A confirmation email is sent to your Penn State Access Account to confirm your check in
You may Check-In up to 2 hours in advance of your Schedule Move-In time.
After clicking the Check In button, this message should appear:
Accessing Your Building
Once you have Checked In, your residence hall building and room door clearances will be downloaded in the system.
- Residence Halls will be unlocked during official Arrival hours, and then will lock automatically.
- Once the building is locked, you will either tap your Penn State id+ Card or mobile credential to the reader near the entry door.
- The entry door will unlock. You will have 30 seconds to open the door.
- Doors that remain open for a prolonged period of time will alarm. Simply close the door to turn off the alarm.
Accessing Your Room
Each residence hall door is equipped with a keyless locking mechanism with a reader. The door will ALWAYS be locked - you will not be able to keep the door unlocked. This means that you need to carry either your id+ Card or mobile device with you at all times so you can reenter the room.
Using the Door Reader
These steps only need to be followed for the first time that you are entering your room. After the initial check-in, you will be able to quickly tap the reader to open.
Step 1: Place your id+ card or mobile device flat against the reader, near the Wi-Fi symbol; the reader light should flash red; remove your card or mobile device

Step 2: WAIT 30 SECONDS. You must wait the entire 30 seconds, if you try to use the reader again before the 30 seconds has passed, the reader will NOT work

Step 3: Place your id+ card or mobile device flat against the reader, and light should flash green and door unlocks

After the first time that you perform these steps, your credentials are activated on the reader door, allowing you to quickly tap on future entries. However, if you purchase a replacement id+ card, use a temporary card, or activate/deactivate a mobile device, you will need to go through these 3 steps again.
Experiencing issues accessing your room door? Verify this information:
- You are properly checked in through eLiving and received the check-in confirmation email.
- Your room assignment matches the building and room door number that you are trying to access.
- You waited the full 30 seconds before presenting your id+ card or mobile device.
If your access does not work, ask for assistance from a Housing or Residence Life staff member, or visit the Commons Desk.
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